Last Full Day of Year 8
1. Must DO Forms to contribute to Want to save STUFF? Archive your DRIVE to your personal gmail account | 2. Last shared document + pictures to print I will print the page you add to this document | 3. Build a Kahoot up to 20 questions about our class funny stories or activities Include pictures Keep it respectful Make a Topic Kahoot Make a funny comedy Kahoot |
Contribute to this shared slide Santa's Other 364 Days Make a Digital Advent Calendar | 5. Letter to next years Year 8's Prompts Here | 6. Independent Reading After morning tea Shared Reading Volunteer to read to the class |
7. Card Games Chess Boxes Nodes Sudoko Dice Games SEVENS Zilch Yatzee | 8. 12 Days of Christmas Re-write this classic Christmas song and present it to the class on Wednesday | 9. Play Kahoots made by the class |