Tuesday - Top Team Day
Session 1: 9:05am start - A groups. - Mr. Harrison is outside for this rotation
Session 2 11:00am start - B groups
Session 3 1:05pm start - C groupsIn class activities
1. Christmas Card making Thank you card making Thank you Cards Picture + Message Action Listening Reliable + Patient Smile Kindness Support and Help Staff List | 2. Board Games Card Games Chess Boxes Nodes Sudoko Dice Games SEVENS Zilch Yatzee | 3. Build a Kahoot up to 20 questions about our class funny stories or activities Include pictures Keep it respectful Make a Topic Kahoot Make a funny comedy Kahoot |
Contribute to this shared slide Santa's Other 364 Days Make a Digital Advent Calendar | 5. Letter to next years Year 8's Prompts Here | 6. Independent Reading After morning tea |
7. Investigate Interesting Websites Sites Earth Timeline Earth Viewer Interactive My House Back in Time Video - Earth History in 24hrs Life on Earth Interactive Scale of the Universe - Zoom The Next Space Telescope James Webb Deployment Origami in Space | 8. 12 Days of Christmas Re-write this classic Christmas song and present it to the class on Wednesday | 9. 30 minutes max all day Computer Games Youtube etc |