Monday 6th December -2021



Monday Work Items  
1. Monday
Zones of Regulation

2.  Thinking Activity
Describe a person FORM
Keep it kind

8 Word Description
Contribute 3x

Guess Who Game
3.  Monday Journal
Learning Journal Respond to the question prompts Silent Writing and thinking
4.  New Vocabulary

Own Vocabulary 
Words and Notes

Vocab Quiz on Thursday

Do Something Active
15 minutes

Fitness Circuit
lap of the field x3 
after each lap...
Star Jumps
Sit ups
Push ups
Step ups
Build a Kahoot
 up to 20 questions about our class funny stories or activities

Include pictures
Keep it respectful
Independent Reading 
After morning tea
15 - 20 minutes
Maths Interchange

Earth Timeline
Earth Viewer Interactive
My House Back in Time

Video - Earth History in 24hrs

Life on Earth Interactive

Scale of the Universe - Zoom

The Next Space Telescope
James Webb

Origami in Space
Shared Reading

Growth Activities