Wednesday - Work Items
Success is...
Being ready first time
Waiting my turn
Listening to understand + asking questions
Letting others do their work
Taking part in all activities - try my best
1. Buddy Thinking Activity How Much Can Kill YOU!!!!! Video Create your own top ten ridiculous ideas evil joke Mr. Bean cook toys teachers bank manager Share your list | 2. Older Vocabulary Review Kahoot | 3. Quick Write 15 minutes Write for the whole time Silent On your topic Worries we all Have Oblivious to... A Peaceful Place Mistakes I've Made Stranded The Perfect Place Never Again Share your writing |
3. Do Something Active 30 minutes Warmup + Game | Maths Multiplication Factors Apply Algebra - visnos Negative Numbers - Kahoot Dice Games - SEVENS - Zilch | Independent Reading After morning tea 15 - 20 minutes 4 Shared Documents Jobs I'm interested in --------- Neurotransmitter Health Watch Notes - Share Question - |
Shared Reading | Growth Topics What will you PRESENT? Sort out your activities I do - sheet - or Brain Stuff - vocab or Decision Making or Jobs and Career Ideas |