Monday Work Items
1. Monday Zones of Regulation What do you want? What will you give? | 2. Symmetry Puzzles Solve the puzzle in the fewest moves Thinking Ideas | 3. Monday Journal Learning Journal Respond to the question prompts |
4. New Vocabulary Neurotransmitter Notes Vocab Quiz on Thursday | Do Something Active 15 minutes Fitness Circuit lap of the field x3 after each lap... 10x Star Jumps Sit ups Push ups Step ups | 5. Videos + Questions Watch Think Note Respond Your Brain on... Video 1 Video 2 |
Independent Reading After morning tea 15 - 20 minutes | Maths Interchange Extra Otago Problem Solving Challenge Mathletics Algebra tasks | Shared Reading Growth Activities 6. Jobs and Career Ideas Start your own document from our weekly task workspace or Decision Making or What you need to know about... |