Wednesday 18th August - 2021

déjà vu - anyone? a feeling of experiencing something before

What is deja vu in psychology? - PsychMechanics

First day at home since last year's covid lockdown.

For today just try and set a bit of a routine for yourself and complete the tasks listed here.

Start your day here.

FIRST - Post a selection of pictures or jokes to this shared document for our entertainment - use the comment function on the document to say hello to others in the class.


1. Complete your New Vocabulary (slide 5) for this week - as linked on our Weekly Tasks Workspace

2. Read for 20 - 30 minutes

3. Complete one or two mathletics tasks as set by your maths teacher or Mr H

4. Go to the Enterprising Stuff Workspace and complete your writing up about two experiments we did last week. View Reminder Doc - Link to Photos

5. Do something helpful around the house

6. Do something physical