Thursday 8th July - 2021

Know your CLASS quiz 2x rounds
Idioms and Multiplication

SuperPowers Review - Complete

iPad Challenge

Puppet Pals - Retell a Classic Tale
Using Puppet Pals retell a classic story - in a new way
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Goldilocks
  • The Emperors New Clothes
  • Snow White
  • The Three Little Pigs
Change and adapt the story in a new way
Add your own twist
Change the characters around
Make the Wolf good
Tell the story from a different point of view
Change a key element or part eg. Goldilocks - change the porridge or the things that get broken

Plan and script your story
Test it out and practice it using the Puppet Pals tool
Record it so that it can be presented and shared with the class.
Independent Reading
Mark Otago Maths

Shared Reading

iPad Stories