
Basic Multiplication
Random Spinners - Spin and Multiply 

Division - Multiplication in Reverse!
Factors of... Time to Spin the Wheel

Apply your Multiplication Thinking

1. Seven men had seven wives with two children per family... how many people?

2. If there are three layers of fish - how many fish are in the can altogether?
What Are Sardines and How Are They Used?
Chips cost $2
Fish cost $4

N3 ordered 7 scoops of chips and 9 fish.
What was the total cost for this order?

How many wooden blocks are used in 10 layers of this tower before the game begins?
Giant Outdoor Building Block Tower Game

Four lanes of traffic
Each lane has 9 cars in it
How many wheels are touching the ground in this traffic jam?
A long line of cars waiting for the onward journey Stock Photo - Alamy